English Language JSS3 Second Term - Comprehension, Structure: Expressing Exception using except for, but, and apart from, Writing: Narrative Essay, Speech work: Consonants /s/ and /θ/, Vocabulary Development: Health and Medicine

English Language JSS3 Second Term


English Language JSS3 Second Term - Comprehension, Structure: Expressing Exception using except for, but, and apart from, Writing: Narrative Essay, Speech work: Consonants /s/ and /θ/, Vocabulary Development: Health and Medicine

Performance Objectives

  1. Comprehension: This is Lagos
  2. English Comprehension Exercise - This Is Lagos | Week 1
  3. Structure: Expressing Exception using except for, but, and apart from.
  4. Writing: Narrative Essay
  5. Speech work: Consonants /s/ and /θ/
  6. Vocabulary Development: Health and Medicine



TOPIC1: Comprehension: This is Lagos

  • Summary of the passage
  • Evaluation 

This is Lagos

It was a moment of jubilation for Zuma when she learnt that she was going to Lagos.... View More

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