Division of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by numbers up to 9 without remainder

Example 1: 78 ÷ 6


  1. Divide 70 by 5
  2. Divide 78 by 6
  3. Divide 304 by 4
  4. Divide 981 by 9
  5. Divide 205 by 3
  6. Divide 420 by 9
  7. A box holds 3o tins. How many boxes can be filled with 810 tins?
  8. One packet contains 10 pencils. How many packets do 470 pencil fill?
  9. How many minutes are there in720 seconds
  10. The product of three numbers is 540. The first number is 5 and the second number is 9. What is the third number?
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