Angles 3


Topic: Angles

Complementary Angle

Two Angles are Complementary when they add up to 90 degrees (a Right Angle).

They don't have to be next to each other, just so long as the total is 90 degrees.


• 60° and 30° are complementary angles.

• 5° and 85° are complementary angles.

Supplementary Angles

Two Angles are Supplementary when they add up to 180 degrees. supplementary angles 40 and 140

These two angles (140° and 40°) are Supplementary Angles because they add up to 180°:Notice that together they make a straight angle. supplementary angles 60 and 120But the angles don't have to be together.

These two are supplementary because60° + 120° = 180°

Acute angle:

An angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees.

Right angle

 an angle whose measure is 90 degrees.

Obtuse angle:

An angle whose measure.... View More

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