State Government

Week: 9

Topic: State Government

Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to explain the following:

a) Meaning and composition of state government of people who control the public affairs of many local government

b) The three tiers of government


The meaning of state government

The state government is the body of people who control the public affairs of many local government areas. A state is bigger than a local government because it is made up of many local government areas. In Lagos State, there are twenty local government areas, according to the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Some of the local governments are Ikeja, Mainland, Ojo, Epe, Ikorodu, Lagos Island, Agege, and Badagry.

Composition of state government

The government of a state is headed by a governor. The governor is assisted by a.... View More

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