Classification of Musical Instrument

Class:- Basic 4

Subject:- Cultural and Creative  Art

Week:- 3

Topic:  Classification of Musical Instrument

Objective:-By the end of the lesson, the pupils should have attained the following objectives (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) and should be able to:

1. Classify musical instruments and sounds.

Reference material:- Learn Africa Cultural and Creative  Art UBE edition for primary school book 4, picture, chart.



Nigerian/local musical instruments are grouped into four families:

  1. Aero phonic: these instruments produce sound by blowing air into them, an example is the flute.
  2. Chordophone: these instruments produce sound by playing the string attached to them with a bow e.g. Goje.
  3. Idophonic/diaphone: these are instruments that produce sound by beating their bodies, for example, Agogso( Gong), xylophone and sekere.
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