Basic Science Primary 2 (Basic Two) First Term

Subject Scheme & Timeline:

Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using.

Week OneTopic: Sense of sightObjectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:1. identify the organs of sights.2. list the importance of sight.Reference material: Textbook, Charts and pictures
Week: 2Topic: Sense of sightObjectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to: identify and name objects based on colours shapes and sizes.
Week: ThreeTopic: Sense of Hearing IObjectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:1. Observe and identify the organs of hearing.2. states the importance of hearing.Reference material: charts, pictures.
Week: FourTopic: Sense of hearingObjectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:1. identify various sounds made by objects, animals and persons.2. listen to the sounds of objects, animals or persons.
Week: FiveTopic: Sense of TouchObjectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:1. observe and identify the organ of touching.2. states the importance of touch.3. Identify objects by touching and feeling them.
Week: SixTopic: Sense of TasteObjectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:1. identify the parts of the body with which we taste things/substances.2. identify things that are sweets, salty, bitter, sour, tasteless etc.
Week: sevenTopic: Sense of Taste IIObjectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:1. identify things that are safe and not safe to tasteReference material: Textbook, charts and pictures
Week: EightTopic: Sense of smellObjectives: Pupils should be able to:1. identify the part of the body used for smelling things.2. smelling with the nose detect various odours.3. identify things with pleasant and unpleasant smells.
Week: NineTopic: SoilSub-topic: Types of soilObjectives: At the end of the lesson Pupils should be able to:1. define soil.2. mention different types of soil
Week: TenTopic: Properties of SoilObjectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:List the properties of soil

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