Basic Science Primary 3 (Basic Three) Third Term

Subject Scheme & Timeline:

Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using.

WEEK: 1Topic: AnimalsObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1. State reasons why animals are living things.2. Compare plants and animals as living thingsResources and materials:Scheme of workOnline informationInstructional material: Specimen of animals in our locality.CONTENTANIMALSAnimals are classified as wild and domestic animals.
WEEK 2Topic: AnimalsObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1. State reasons why animals are living things.2. Compare plants and animals as living things3. List the characteristics of living things
WEEK 3Topic: TechnologyObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1. Mention the forms of technology2. State the examples of developed and undeveloped technologyInstructional material: charts and pictures of hoes Cutlass and vehiclesCONTENTFORMS OF TECHNOLOGYTechnology is something which needs our eyes on. The latest technology changed a lot from what we saw in the last decade or the past century.
WEEK: 4Topic: TechnologyObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1. Mention the forms of technology2. State the differences between undeveloped and developed technologyResources and materials:Scheme of workOnline informationInstructional material: charts and pictures of hoes Cutlass and vehiclesCONTENTMODERN TECHNOLOGYWhat is Modern Technology?Modern technology is the advancement of old technology with new additions and modifications. For example, it is
WEEK: 5Topic: EnergyObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1. mention the sources of light energy2. discusses the uses of light3. identify some objects that reflect light4. use mirrors to form images.Instructional material: charts and pictures of the sunBulb.Touch lightCandleLantern
WEEK: 6Topic: EnergyObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1. define and explain the meaning of energy.2. explains the different forms of energy.3. explain the sources of energy.4. explains how energy can be generated.Resources and materials:Scheme of workOnline informationInstructional material: 1. Sand 2. Wheelbarrow 3. Shovel 4. Stick5. Plane 6. Mirror 7. Lenses concave.
WEEK: 7&8Topic: EnergyObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:explains the sources and uses of light energy.2. show that some objects reflect light.3. sound energy.4. some musical instruments.Resources and materials:Scheme of workOnline informationInstructional material: 1. Plain mirror.2. Lenses convex and concave3. Empty tins with 4 shiny surfaces.4. Pencils.
WEEK: 9Topic: ForceObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:1. explains the meaning of force.2. explain the source of force.3. explains the effects of forces.4. explains the usefulness of force.Instructional material:1. Wheelbarrow2. Stone3. Balls4. Chart

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