Biology SSS1 First Term

Subject Scheme & Timeline:

Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using.

Student should be able to:1. Classify organisms into the kingdoms monera and protista2. Give the characteristics of Kingdom monera and protista
Student should be able to:1. Classify organisms into the appropriate kingdoms 2. Give the characteristics of Kingdom fungi, plantae and animalia
Student should be able to:1. Define and give a clear description of a cell2. Give the cell theory3. Differentiate between plants and animal cell4. Give the component of cells and their functions
Student should be able to:1. Give some factors that enable the cell to interact with its environment2. Give and explain how these factors help the cell in interacting with its environment.
Student should be able to:1. Know the feeding methods used by the cell2. Give and explain the different types of feeding methods.
Biology SSS1 First T...
Student should be able to:1. Define the term excretion and state its importance2. Gives the products of excretion
Student should be able to:1. Define the term growth and its basis2. Gives some parameters involve in growth
Student should be able to:1. Explain irritability as the basic characteristics of protoplasm2. Gives the type of responses
Student should be able to:1. Explain Reproduction in different organisms2. Explain Vegetative or artificial reproduction
Student should be able to:1. Define the term growth and its basis2. Gives some parameters involve in growth
Biology SSS1 First T...
Student should be able to:1. Give the characteristics of living things with examples2. Differentiate between plant and animals3. Understand the levels of organization of life and give examples
Student should be able to:1. Define the types of nutrients2. Explain the process of respiration

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