
Christian Religious Studies Primary 3 (Basic Three) Third Term

Subject Scheme & Timeline:

Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using.

WEEK: 1Topic: God through our relationship with othersSUBTOPIC: Showing hospitalityObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to1 explain the term ‘hospitality’.2 identify the need for being hospitable.3 explain why we should be kind to people.4 give instances in the Bible of people who demonstrated hospitality.
WEEK: 2Topic: Reasons for hospitalitySome reasons for showing hospitality are:1 When we are hospitable, we are obeying the word of God. One of the things God says in his word is that we should care for the needy and strangers among us. Examples:a) Jesus says in Matthew 25: 31-46 that on the day of judgment, those who do not care for the needy and strangers would be condemned. This means that they will go to Hellfire. Then those who are kind to the needy and welcome strangers will go to heaven.
WEEK: 3TOPIC: BENEFITS OF HOSPITALITY1. It’s foundational in building relationships2. Allows you to meet interesting people and gain a broader perspective3. Prompts you to remember what you have to offer4. Builds a supportive network for yourselfMoral lessons1 We should be hospitable by caring for and helping people in need. It is one of the ways of obeying the word of God.
WEEK: 4TOPIC: Showing love and unselfishnessObjectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:1 describe the moral responsibility of loving, and being unselfish to others.2 describe the kind of love which Jonathan had for David.3 explain what a true friend will do for a friend in need.4 point out how people of today show love and unselfishness to other people.Guide to Bible passages (Samuel 18: 1-19; 19: 9-20; 23: and 15-17)
WEEK: 5Topic: The Suffering of JesusObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to1 identify the stages at which Jesus suffered.2 state reasons why Jesus had to suffer.3 identify the importance of Christ’s suffering for mankind.Guide to bible passages (Luke 22: 47-53, Matthew 26: 57-68; John 18: 1-13; 19-42; and 19:16)
WEEK: 6Topic: Death and resurrectionObjectives: At the end of this unit, pupils should be able to:1 narrate the stories of the death and resurrection of Jesus.2 identify the importance of the death and resurrection of Christ.3 explain the appearance as evidence of the resurrection.Guide to Bible passages (Luke 23: 33-46; 24: 1-6; 44-47; John 20: and 16-18)
WEEK: 7Topic: Showing a desire for peaceful coexistenceObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to1 explain the term ‘peaceful coexistence’.2 list instances of people desiring peaceful coexistence in the Bible.3 identify reasons for peaceful coexistence.4 explain various ways of creating changes for peaceful coexistence.
WEEK: 8Topic: Forbearance and understandingObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to1 explain the term ‘forbearance’.2 describe Isaac’s patience and love for peace.3 explain how, with patience, we can turn our enemies into friends.4 enumerate blessings we can derive from being patient and peace-loving.Guide to Bible passages (Genesis 26:17–23; and Proverbs 17–7)
WEEK: 9Topic: Helping people in troubleObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to1 narrate the story of the widow of Zarephath.2 identify reasons for helping people who are in trouble.3 list the expected rewards for helping people who are in trouble.4 identify moral lessons in helping others.Guide to Bible passage (1Kings 17: 7-24)
WEEK: 10Topic: Kindness in actionObjectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to1 explain ‘kindness in action’.2 identify instances of kindness in action in the Bible.3 state why we should be kind to people.4 explain the expected reward of kindness in action.Guide to Bible passages (Luke 10: 25-35; Ruth 1: 1-22; and 2: 1-23)

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