Computer Science JSS2 Third Term

Subject Scheme & Timeline:

Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using.

Student should be able to: 1. State the benefit of ICT2. List the disadvantage of ICT
Student should be able to: 1. Differentiate between GSM, Fax Machine and telephone.2. Create and send message to one another using GSM and Fax Machine.3. Store and retrieve information on a GSM handset.
Student should be able to: 1. Define the following: (i) internet(ii) Worldwide web (www)(iii) Electronic mails (emails)
Student should be able to:1. Identify: (a) Internet browseri. (b) Email addressii. (c) Website address
Student should be able to:1. Creating email accountStep in Creating of Emails account
Computer Science JSS...
Student should be able to:1. Mention benefit of internet
1. Student should be able to:Mention the abuses of internet
Student should be able to:1. Recognize and name icons in the internet2. Send and receive email
Student should be able to:1. Chat on the internet 2. Link up with educational network group
Student should be able to:1. Create an Email address
Computer Science JSS...

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