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Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 1INTRODUCTION TO WORD PROCESSING PACKAGES 1ContentReference book: Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education.Welcome to Computer Studies. By: Boye Jokotoye.A word processing package enables you to type in and manipulate text. It helps you to enter, store, format, copy and print text. It is software that turns the computer into a sophisticated typewriter. With any type of word processing software, you can produce any kind of document, large or small, whether a personal letter, business report, school report sheet, circular etc.
Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 2WORD PROCESSING IIReference book: Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education.ContentADVANTAGES OF USING WORD PROCESSING PACKAGES1. The use of computers allows for neat jobs.2. It makes typing pleasurable.3. There is room for corrections such that do not leave any scar on the document.4. With the use of a computer, text could be formatted to suit the user’s taste.
Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 3WORD PROCESSING IIIReference book: Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education.ContentTO OPEN AN EXISTING DOCUMENT: Click file menu, Click open, Click the down arrow in the” look in box” and select the drive letter, click the icon for the file you want to retrieve, Click open.CHARACTER FORMATTING: Characters are letters, punctuation marks, numbers and symbols that you type as text. Character formatting determines how characters appear on the screen and in print. Word uses preset or default formats to determine the size, font and other character formatting of the text you type. You can change the formatting by choosing new formats before you type, or by selecting text and applying the new formats after you have typed.
Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 4CPU OR SYSTEM UNIT/PRIMARY TYPEReference book: A Handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by Niyi AdekoleganContentExternal featuresThe system unit is electronic circuitry housed within the computer cabinet. It is the part of the microcomputer that contains the Central Processing Unit (CPU).The system units of microcomputers are of different shapes. These include the following:(i) Notebook(ii) Palmtop(iii) Desktop
Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 5MEMORY UNIT (SECONDARY TYPE)Reference book: Computer Studies for Beginners. By: Adekunle O. Eyitayo. Welcome to Computer Studies. By: Boye JokotoyeContentThe memory unit is divided into two:(a) Random Access Memory (RAM)(b) Read Only Memory (ROM)Random Access Memory (RAM) is a volatile memory. It is used to store data temporarily in case of power failure, if not, all information on it will be lost.
Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 6UNIT OF STORAGE IN COMPUTERReference book: A Handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by Niyi AdekoleganContentMemory unit is the storage capacity of a computer, the amount of information it can keep in memory.It is usually expressed in bits and bytes. Most computers translate characters according to an eight-bit code.Electronic devices are either ON or OFF, so they use the binary (0 and I) number system.
Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 7LOGIC CIRCUIT IContentIntroduction to logicEarly learning of computer studies by Yomi SoyomboLogic is the formal and systematised interconnection of discrete components. Also, logic means the circuitry, which performs logical functions.Logic functions are shown usually in a TRUTH TABLE which indicates exactly what will happen according to alternative(input) conditions.The fundamental property of any statement is either TRUE or FALSE. the truth value of any statement is the truthfulness or falsity of that statement. The principal logical operators are:
Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 8LOGIC CIRCUIT /STANDARD LOGIC 2Ref book: Early Learning of Computer Studies by Yomi SoyomboContenttruth table and logic gateTruth table is a table that shows the possible combination of the independent variables and the correspondent output, which is the deepened variable.The OR GATE OUTPUTOR gate is two or more inputs and whose output is equal to the logical sum of the inputs.For the output logic value in an OR gate to be 1, either of the two INPUTS LOGIC values must be 1. The two inputs may also be 1 for the output to be 1.
Computer Science ICT SSS2 FIRST TermWEEK 10LOGIC CIRCUIT /ALTERNATIVE LOGIC 2ContentUses of UNIVERSAL logic gate:Electronics: computers, mobile phones, calculators and even digital watches contain logic gates the building blocks of digital electronics.Decision making: is circuit that can decide to say yes or no as output based on inputs they get.Alarms: logic gates are used to construct alarms in cars and homes

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