Reasons for Obeying Traffic Rules and Regulation


Topic: Traffic Regulations

Subtopic:  Reasons for Obeying Traffic Rules and Regulation

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

1. Define traffic regulation

2. List some  reasons for obeying traffic rules and regulations

Resources & materials:Basic Civic Education Teacher’s  Guide 4 For Primary Schools. By BJ Obebe, F.J Muazu, H O C Ambassador Brikins, S.O Koledoe.

Building Background/Connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.


Reasons for obeying traffic regulations

Ask the pupils to explain the reasons why road users should obey traffic regulations, and guide them as they give the reasons they know.

The following are among the reasons for obeying traffic regulations:

1 It helps to.... View More

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