Types of clothes under different climates

WEEK 9&10

Topic: Personal Hygiene

Subtitle: Types of clothes under different climates

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able  to:

1. Mention some suitable for different weather.

2. List out some occupations that wear uniforms.

Resources & materials: Basic Civic Education Teacher’s  Guide 4 For Primary Schools. By BJ Obebe, F.J Muazu, H O C Ambassador Brikins, S.O Koledoe.

Teacher’s  activities: Ask the pupils to mention types of clothes suitable for different weather conditions, and guide them as they discuss


Types of clothes under different climates

1 During cold and wet weather—clothes like jackets, coats, sweaters and raincoats are worn to prevent us from getting cold.

2 During hot and dry weather—light cotton clothes should be.... View More

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