a). Ordering of Whole numbers with Symbols up to 100,000

Week: 3

Topic: a). Ordering of Whole numbers with Symbols up to 100,000

(b). <, >and = < greater than = Equal to

Quantitative reasoning

Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

Order numbers accordingly with the use of signs such as: >, <, =


Ordering of Whole numbers with Symbols up to 100,000

Ordering of Numbers with symbols

Ordering of Whole numbers  up to 100,000 with Symbols such as:

> less than

  < greater than

= Equal to

> means ‘greater than’; e.g. 13 > 11

13605 > 11987

< means ‘less than’; e.g. 20953 < 23005

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