Speech Work: Further practice in the use of Tense, Present, past present, perfect and past Continuous tense

Week: Two

Class: Basic Four

Topic: Speech Work: Further practice in the use of Tense, Present, past present, perfect and past Continuous tense

Structure: Aural discrimination

Reading: Teaching of new words, oral and written  Comprehension

Grammar: Further practice in the use of tense, Present, past present, perfect and past Continuous tense

Writing: Giving an account of visits to places of Interest e.g. local market, supermarket idanre Hills.

Dictation: Spelling, Selected works from the Passage read

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

1. Master the use of tense

2. Learn the meaning of some new words

3. Read the comprehension properly

Reference Material: Learn Africa Basic English Language UBE edition for primary schools

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