Performing arts and entertainment 2


Topic: Performing arts and entertainment

Subtitle: Creating a drama sketch from a story or folktale (practical)

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to create a drama from a folktale

Reference Materials: CULTURAL CREATIVE ARTS for Primary 3 by A K Badaru Obebe

Instructional Material: Textbooks, Notebooks, DVD or VCD, Television


From grass to grace

John and James were brothers. Their parents died when they were young, so they stayed with their grandmother who was very old then. Their grandmother also died not long afterwards. There was no one to take care of them. So they decided to leave the village and travel to Lagos. John, the younger brother did not want to go. He was afraid but his elder brother encouraged him. Before they left for Lagos, they visited Mr Biu.  Mr Biu was a soothsayer.... View More

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