Staging 2

WEEK 6 & 7

Topic: Performing arts and entertainment

Subtitle: Staging

Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

1 state the different stages of a play production process.

2 identify the elements of design.

Reference Materials: CULTURAL CREATIVE ARTS for Primary 3 by A K Badaru

Instructional material: Textbooks, Notebooks, Chalkboard etc.


The stages of a play production

There are different stages of a play production process. They are:

Stage 1- Casting:  This is the process of choosing the actors and actresses that will take part in a production. This is done by organizing an audition. Audition: An audition is the calling of people together, asking them to act and choosing the best person that perform each role well. Auditioning is the easiest way to choose.... View More

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